Lucia Pietroiusti is Head of Ecologies at Serpentine, London. As a curator, programmer and organisational strategist, she works at the intersection of art, ecology and systems, often outside of the exhibition space. Ecologies at Serpentine is a holistic, integrated and adaptive initiative and department aimed at embedding environmental responsibility throughout Serpentine’s infrastructure, operations, networks and programming. It evolved out of the General Ecology project, which Pietroiusti founded at Serpentine in 2018 and which features research, commissions, programming, radio and long-term, networked initiatives.
Having focused her research on ecology in art and culture for the last decade, Pietroiusti was the curator of the Golden Lion-winning opera-performance, Sun & Sea by Rugile Barzdziukaite, Vaiva Grainyte and Lina Lapelyte, the Lithuanian Pavilion at the 58th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia (and its international tour, ongoing).
Current and recent Serpentine activities include the research, festival and radio project The Shape of a Circle in the Mind of a Fish (with Filipa Ramos), an interdisciplinary enquiry into theories of mind across more-than-human species and beings; as well as the Infinite Ecologies Marathon (2023-24). Pietroiusti was a co-curator of Back to Earth – Serpentine’s 50th anniversary programme, dedicated to the environment (2020-2022), which invited 65+ artists to devise environmental campaigns, prototypes or interventions in artwork form. Pietroiusti also co-founded, co-curated and co-presented Serpentine Podcast (2015-2020).
Pietroiusti is a curator of the art-led systems-change project, Sites of… Practice (E-WERK Luckenwalde/Arising Quo, 2024-2025, with Helen Turner and Nada Rosa Schroer), and the exhibition, Songs for the Changing Seasons at Vienna’s first Climate Biennale (April-July 2024), and recently curated the 8th Biennale Gherdeïna, Persones Persons, in 2022 (both with Filipa Ramos); 13th Shanghai Biennale, Bodies of Water(2020-2021, with Andrés Jaque, Marina Otero Verzier, Filipa Ramos and You Mi) and the exhibition and performance programme, Being Mothers, at E-WERK Luckenwalde (2021-2022).
Publications include a major forthcoming reader that traces six years of The Shape of a Circle in the Mind of a Fish (ed. with Filipa Ramos, Hatje Cantz, end-2024); the readers More-than-Human (ed. with Andrés Jaque and Marina Otero Verzier, 2020); Microhabitable (ed. with Fernando García-Dory, Spanish edition published 2020; English edition 2023) and PLANTSEX (MAL Journal, 2019) as well as the vinyl/catalogue edition of Sun & Sea (Marina) (2019).
Pietroiusti teaches and lectures internationally and was recently Professor of the Interior Ecologies module at HEAD – Genève’s MA Interior Architecture (2023-2024), and a Creative Fellow of NCAD Dublin’s Creative Futures Academy. She is a Trustee of the Gallery Climate Coalition.