Personen Persons: Biennale Gherdeïna 8

Curator, with Filipa Ramos
20 May - 25 September 2022, Ortisei, Italy

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Participating artists: Etel Adnan, Chiara Camoni, Alex Cecchetti, Gabriel Chaile, Revital Cohen and Tuur van Balen, Jimmie Durham, Simone Fattal, Barbara Gamper, Kyriaki Goni, Judith Hopf, Ignota, Karrabing Film Collective, Britta Markatt-Labba, Lina Lapelyte, Eduardo Navarro, Angelo Plessas, Elizabeth Povinelli, Tabita Rezaire, Sergio Rojas, Giles Round, Thaddäus Salcher, Martina Steckholzer, Hylozoic/Desires (Himali Singh Soin & David Soin Tappeser), Adolf Vallazza, Ana Vaz and Nuno da Luz, Bruno Walpoth

We want to tell you about this person who is a tree, who is a lake, who is a stone, who is you and who is me. About this person who is a star and who is young because they is old; who speaks the language of minerals, sings the song of rivers and howls at dawn, because they are also dog. We want to tell you about their dreams, griefs and desires. About their body, their hand that gives and their hand that takes, their eyes that hear and tongue that paints; how their roots walk and their fur travels.

We want to tell you about Persons Persone Personen, the Biennale Gherdëina ∞.

Dialoguing with the Alpine valleys, mountains and skies of Ladinia, in the Dolomites, and celebrating the multitude of living forms—human, animal, vegetal, mineral, mycological persons—that populate them. The stories of Persons Persone Personen are told in many manners. Through exhibitions, encounters, performances, songs, storytelling, hugs, books and other streams of exchange. And in many languages: English and Ladinia’s idioms: Ladin, Italian, German.

Curated by Lucia Pietroiusti and Filipa RamosPersons Persone Personen will move along two lines:

One considers forms of personhood in wildlife and landscapes, legal and other, asking how artistic expressions can contribute to this recognition of Earth’s rights and to the dilution of divides.

The other attends to the ancient and future memories of pathways of people, animals, plants and matter across systems of migration, seasonal displacement and transhumance, in the region and resonating landscapes. To how they shape and constitute one another in a continuous process of mutual influence and attunement.


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The Shape of a Circle in the Mind of a Fish