Sensing the Planet

A 3-day gathering on climate justice and the intersections of race and ecology at Dartington Trust, Devon, 29-31 October 2021.

More info and programme →

Tabita Rezaire, Deep Down Tidal (still detail).

Tabita Rezaire, Deep Down Tidal (still detail).

Participations included: ‘Earth Talks’ by Ruth Wilson GilmorePaul GilroyAlexis Pauline Gumbs and Philippe Sands; as well as interventions, performances and installations by artists, musicians and researchers including Nabil Ahmed, Barby Asante, Imani Jacqueline Brown, Radha D’Souza & Jonas Staal, Forensic Architecture, Hannah Catherine Jones, Thandi Loewenson, Elaine Mitchener, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Femi Oriogun Williams, Ingrid Pollard, Tabita Rezaire, Imani Robinson, Libita Sibungu, Jason Singh, Himali Singh Soin, Shifa, Foluke Taylor, Pat Thomas, Seah Wraye, The Otolith Group and Zadie Xa.

Activists joined from Wretched of the Earth, BLM UK, Exeter Decolonising Network, Bristol Decolonising Network, Plane Stupid and Racial Justice Network.

The weekend also featured an installation of over nine hours of interviews by Hans Ulrich Obrist to Edouard Glissant (currently presented at LUMA Arles, Hans-Ulrich Obrist Archives – Chapter 1: Édouard Glissant – Where all the world’s imaginations can meet and hear one another, courtesy of LUMA Arles)




On having a sense of Purpose